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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

T.Best Tips, Ways to Save: First Blog Post Ever.....

Yay my first Blog post....How exciting. It didn't take to long to figure out what I was doing. But it also wasn't without a little hesitation. "Blogger" by google was really easy. I look forward to many more posts and upgrading my blog themes in the up coming weeks and months ahead.

Well, with all the excitment I haven't introduced myself. For staters, I love finding bargains and saving money, "Free" is always good for me. I am a busy professional but I like to know where my money is going. Having put myself through college, I have a stack of student loans and another stack of coupons to help save money. In my opinion, why pay full price for anything when you can wait till it goes on sale? It is even better when you can match a sale with a coupon. I love it.  I look at it as a game. If stores are going to offer you products for free or even less then a dollar; then way not take advantage? They are not advertising that the item is free, you have to do some work like matching the coupon to the sale but when you do it is very exciting. The best part is sharing my steals with my friends and family, because I want everybody to get in on the deal.

Now in the past year, it seams like couponing has become cool. I am not the extreme coupon queen at all, I buy one and only one sunday newspaper every Sunday when I am not to lazy to get my butt to the store. I can't justify getting more then one paper at a time. I would love more then one paper but living in the Boston area, the Boston Globe is $3.50 a paper, I can't see myself paying $7.00 for two papers. 

Besides searching the Sunday paper for steals and deals on everyday household products, a few years back I tried to find ways to get free stuff online. When you don't have any money you find ways to get free stuff. I know the purpose of a free sample is to try new products and then buy a full size version and in most cases if the sample comes with a coupon I will use it.  I love samples and I love mail and what's more exciting then coming home from work to find free samples in the mail.  In my searching and reseach online for free samples I found a few websites that not only give you free samples but they will send you free full size versions of new products to try for free. Yes it is true.  From time to time I will get packages in the mail of the lastest product to try for free and I usually go on their website and review the item. It is only fair, in my opinion, to provide feedback. If somebody is going to give me something for free, I am more then happy to tell them about the product.  I am not sure how these websites rank you but I always thought the more you write the more you will get. So this blog in the up coming weeks and months will include how and where to find Free stuff online and steals and deals. Because you know it is the little things in life that make you happy.

Thanks for stopping by, I look forward to many more post's. Here's to Number 1. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for free stuff! I look forward to tons of tips!
