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SheSpeaks Blogger Society

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I received Curel Intensive Healing Advanced Ceramide Therapy hand lotion samples from Buzzagent, for FREE to sample and share with my friends.


I received six little 1 oz samples. Wow, right?


I love it when I receive big samples to share with my friends and family. Little samples give you one use, but a 1 oz sample lets you try the lotion on multiple occasions. And it is great when not only you can experience a sample share but that your friends can too, so THANK YOU Curel and Buzzagent for big samples.


Now the product….This lotion or Crème is thick, and covers well. If you flip the jar upside down nothing will fall out. It isn’t your typical lotion but the type of hand therapy that you would find online or at a specialty store. This isn’t the type of lotion you would think to find at a convenient store, but you can now…


It is very cold here in New England this time of year so my skin and hands tend to be a little dry.   Upon my first use, I noticed the lotion is very rich, it peaks when you dab your finger into it. When applied to your skin, the product soaks in, it doesn’t just lay on the top of your hand.  Since this lotion seeps in when applied, you can actually tell where the lotion was applied and where it wasn’t because there is a moisture line.


 I hate lotion on my hands and want to wash my hands after using lotion, but this lotion absorbs so well and is so thick that even after washing my hands you can still feel the softens. This isn’t a greasy feeling or sticky it just feels moisturized.


Now as soon as I received my samples, the day of, my friend from CT was in town and I was able to open and share the box instantly with her and her family. I love when things happen that way. My friend applied the lotion right away, because she had a wedding the next day. And she felt the lotion absorb completely. Everybody was all smiles and it is my understanding that they are still using the product.


I do feel without knowing the price that this product if set at the right price point $5 or $6 no more then $8 would be an awesome find in the local convenient store. Yes I believe this product could be found else where but at a specialty store at a much higher price.


So try it out for your self, I feel overall it is above average.


1 comment:

  1. This stuff was awesome! Thanks for the sample. I have been using it on the kids too!
