Truvía® natural sweetener Product Review
I am going to be reviewing Truvia all Natural Sweetener, which I received complimentary in my Influenster Love VoxBox this past February. To all of you who have been reading my Blog, this is my last review for the Love VoxBox. Oooh.....And YAY me.
So, lately there seems to be allot of sugar alternatives on the market. Truvia is one of the newer products. A product that I haven't tried until testing it out in the Influenster Love VoxBox, which is awesome because I love trying new things. I have seen commercials on TV but never actually purchased or tried it for myself.
Now the sample box I received contained 7 packets of Truvia. perfect for a taste test.
The individual, Truvia packet is as heavy as a sugar or raw sugar packet. The Truvia is in granular format, not a powder. I used my Truvia with a cup of the Stash Tea which I also received in my VoxBox. I made a hot cup of tea, and noticed the Truvia dissolved, after just pouring it in and stirring. Which was nice, unlike sugar which sometimes sits on the bottom of the cup. I didn't notice a after taste. And I noticed I used the whole packet of Truvia in my cup of tea. Some other brands I've tried are so sweet that I only use 1/2 of the packet. So this was perfect for me.
Compared to the Yellow, Pink & Blue packets I think Truvia, is comparable or even better in quality and taste.
I think next time I am offered sweetener I will have no hesitation to reach for Truvia.
I guess I'll have to try it. Did you try it on fruit or anything?