I had the opportunity to try the new Hershey’s Chocolate with
Almond spread, from Crowdtap for FREEeeee. This was a sample taste test and it was
delicious. I haven’t seen this product in stores yet, but it was suppose to début
on December 6th I believe.
I love the taste of Hershey’s New Chocolate spread, it is
sweet but not to sweet, it is chocolaty with a hint of almonds. Now, I love
sugar, I’m a candy girl, so the taste of Nutella is more hazelnut-y and not
sweet, it was almost dry, to thick for my taste, but the Hershey’s Chocolate spread
was sweet and smooth and the perfect balance of sweet and chocolate.
So, I tested the spread out on toast which is weird to me because
I didn’t grow up on Nutella. I’m a butter
and jam girl. But I wanted to try it. I rather eat Hershey’s chocolate spread
with fruit or pretzels; for this taste test, I even pulled out the Reese’s
pieces and added them to the spread, Yummie. Throughout this taste test, if I
needed a sugar fix during the day, I just grabbed a spoonful for the chocolate spread,
it is good on its own too.

Well I’m rambling. December was the perfect time to try the
New Hershey’s chocolate spread because I would have never thought to bake with the
spread, but I do now… So try Hershey’s chocolate spread it is totally worth it….If
you see it buy it, you won’t be sorry.
Thanks for reading.